Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dec 3, Giganotosaurus Christmas Follow-Up and Comparison: Bullyland v Carnegie

The Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide blog is the ongoing chronicle of the Dinosaur Toys Story, using my own collection for illustration. This is a picture-encyclopedia of Dinosaur toys since the mid-1940s. It will aid collectors in recognition and everyone in finding, recognizing and purchasing appropriate Dinosaur toys for themselves, their children and their friends. Just click on the "orange button" to painlessly subscribe.

Dec 3, 2011

(Note: All links open to new page.)

For those of you who are busily trying to decide on the kind of Giant Theropod to get for your loved ones this Christmas let us compare two of the very best Giganotosaurs on the market today, the Bullyland Giganotosaurus versus the Carnegie Giganotosaurus.

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

As can be seen in the above photo these two figures, the blue one by Carnegie and the red-head by Bullyland, are just about the same size in terms of length and height at the hip. The Bully Gigano is a bit more hefty in nearly every dimension, with larger arms, feet and thicker body (below).

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

Both are about 13" (34.5cm) in length. Apart from the coloration and morphology the main difference between these two comes in the comparison of their heads. The Bullyland entry has a fairly generic head while the Carnegie (a Safari Ltd wholly owned subsidiary) has what has to be considered as a much, much more "realistic" Giganotosaur type head.

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

The Bully boy actually has a cute little smile while the Carnegivore has a lean and hungry look. Aaaah, but the bully's jaw can open and close, while, alas, the Carnegivore's is frozen open.

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

Here another significant difference can be seen. The arms of the Bullyland figure are much longer, the paws much bigger than the Carnegie's. How important this is to someone who relied on his enormous head and sharp teeth to get his prey to squeal "done!", I don't know.

At fifty-feet in length and nine tons The Giganotosaurus was the biggest land predator in the known history of the earth. It roamed what are now the Argentine Pampas in search of the even larger, much larger, Sauropod, Argentinosaurus (100-130 feet, 70-90 tons) and that size differential is substantial as seen in the picture below, courtesy the University of Bristol-dinobase:

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

The presumption is that this predator dined in packs to bring down such large and powerful entrees.

So the real question is does little Johhny want that movable jaw or not? Everything else is pretty much aesthetics. Which look do you prefer. The movable jaw makes the Bullyland an "action figure" while the Carnegie is a replica. We report, you decide.

Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaur, Dinosaur Toys

I don't need no stinkin' movable jaw!

Jealous, are we? Twinkle toes.

When you're not comparing Giganotosaurs you can COMPARE Web Business services here!

Dec 1, 2011

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys

We finally completed our first new page in quite a while, The Bullyland Giganotosaurus (opens new window) page and it is pretty much of a doozy. 59 new pictures and lots of text too.

What makes this figure unique is the movable/poseable jaw. Up until this Giganotosaur the only predator figures sporting such a jaw were from Papo, their T-Rex, Raptor, Spinosaurus, and Allosaurus. In this case that jaw opens pretty wide-

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys


This figure is a real departure for Bullyland and quite a risk to take. Pricewise it is less than the comparable Papo figures.

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys

Sizewise it is about 13.5" (34.5cms) from tip of the nose to tail tip and about a half-pound (225gms) in weight. The mouth itself opens to 1.5" (3.75cm) which is twice as wide as the Papo T-Rex.

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys

Mom said you have to share!


The actual pose, or positioning, of the figure is superb and it is beautifully balanced on its well sculpted feets.

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys

All in all I would suggest you run out and get one (or two) before they get you....

Giganotosaurus, Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Bullyland, Dinosaur Toys

A yard infested with Bullyland Giganotosaurs can be detrimental to property values.

Got a question about Dinosaur toys? You're in the right place. Have questions about starting your own website? Go here for answers....

Nov 30, 2011

The Bullyland Giganotosaurus will put bite in your Dinosaur Toys collection.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "The Bullyland Giganotosaurus: Open your mouth and say "aaaahhh.""

Nov 12, 2011

It has been a while. Sorry about that. Well, Thanksgiving approacheth and Rexford's mind turns towards dinner. Pretty much as it does every minute of every day.

Rexford received a gift in the mail from one of his many admirers. This fan had gone to the recent AMNH (American Museum of Natural History (opens new window) Sauropod exhibit in New York and mailed him an exhibit brochure. Rexford sees it in his own light.

Rexford Dinosaur, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

So let's see what's on the menu little fella. Why, it looks like you are.

Rexford Dinosaur, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Now THAT (opens new window) looks tasty, and filling too.

Moving right along....

Rexford Dinosaur, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

I'll have Column A, Column B aaand, oh, Column C too.

Rexford Dinosaur, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Plus this little take-out tid-bit while I'm waiting.

OUCH!! Check please.

And a big thanks to Fred in New Jersey from all of us here at the Sauroasteraunt here in Dinoville and especially from Rexford

Rexford took a look at the menu and just couldn't decide so he chose them all. YOU may not have that option.When checking out your menu of WeBusiness services THIS is where you should go to COMPARE, first.

Sep 28, 2011

Our friends at Bullyland (opens new window) have come up with a series of terrific, large sized, virtual pillows they call the:

Rexford, Bullyland Soft Play, Dinosaur Toys

Soft Play figures.

Rexford likes these guys, as they are more his size... Dinosaurs he's comfortable hanging out with, not just eating.

Rexford, Bullyland Soft Play, Dinosaur Toys

These guys don't get tangled under my feet!

We live with three of the figures. These are now out of production but are likely still available. The ones who live here, in DinoTown, are:


Apatosaurus, Bullyland Soft Play, Dinosaur Toys

You never know what's coming up behind you.


Dimetrodon, Bullyland Soft Play, Dinosaur Toys

Call me "el Permianente."

and the Triceratops....

Triceratops, Bullyland Soft Play, Dinosaur Toys

I'm cuddlier than I appear.

To get an idea of the size of the figures, about eighteen inches (18") long and seven inches (7") tall, you can check them out, checking out their breakfast coffee....

Bullyland Soft Play, Apatosaurus, Dimetrodon, Triceratops, Dinosaur Toys

Hey! How do we pour this stuff?

These three have been with us for a year or so, DinoBabe (who is almost three) and DinoTot (who is 17 months) having provided hours of rough play and lots of loving- toddler style, and they survive undamaged. NOTE: Bullyland recommends them for three and up. NOT under three! (The DinoKids are Precociousaurs.)

The Apatosaurus has also taken some rough treatment at the hands (jaws!) of a pair of Bullyland Giganotosaurs, as can be seen below.

Bullyland, Soft Play, Giganotosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Get 'em Bob! Bite 'em, bite 'em!

Bullyland, Soft Play, Giganotosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

I'm biting as fast as I can!

Even the Bullyland (opens new window) Giganotosaurus can't put a permanent hurt on these Soft Play figures. The above photos taken prior to the beautiful portrait of the Soft Play Apatosaurus (opens new window) seen earlier in the blog.

All in all, these Soft Play figures make for a great gift for the younger Dinosaur fan in the family. There are some new ones out as well and we'll review those as well. Very huggable.

Want Your Own Huggable Website? Consider This! Jul 28, 2011

Potty training for DinoBabe has been progressing very well and Rexford has gotten quite jealous over the attention she has been receiving. In response we have decided to let him "civilize himself" and practice with the inside potty.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

A Tyrannosaurus goes wherever it wants to.

In accord with Rexford's desire to try the indoor potty he received his initial introduction.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

What is this thing? It looks like a miniature hand-operated whirlpool spa!

After a short explanation of how the porcelain product works Rexford took a second shot at it. So to speak.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

That seat thingy is too big! I could fall in. Is it some kind of 'sitz bath'? I don't need that!

Okay then. We'll go with DinoBabe's seat.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Now this is more like it. A comfortable throne fit for a king. And that's ME! The king!

It looks like everything is a "GO" now. Let's see how it turns out.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Uh oh! My arms are too short! This indoor potty stuff stinks. I'm outta here!

Hmmmm. This change hasn't turned out quite as well as well as we might have hoped.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Aaahhhh. Now this feels much more natural to me. Do Dinobabe and Dinotot know about the garden?

Rexford! And you're not going to tell them!

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Don't yell at ME. I'm the KING!!

(blog censored- we'll be back)

It has been said (I think by Arthur C. Clark) that a sufficiently advanced technology will appear to be "magic." This indoor plumbing thing is a pretty advanced technology for a Dinosaur. There's no "magic" to creating a profitable web-business, let me show you how it's done by clicking here.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur ToysRexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, T-Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

In fact you 'hew-manns' might reconsider the whole indoor plumbing thing. It really leaves you both unwary and immobile! The way I like you best.

Jul 4, 2011

This July 4 2011 Rexford discusses the responsibility of the vote, and big teeth.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Rexford's July 4 2011 Commentary"

Jul 4, 2011

T-Rexford, Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

Never in the history of our world has a nation been as free, and as well armed, as the United States of America. Many say, and the founding fathers believed, that the two go hand in hand.

Now being a T-Rex I rely on my teeth and claws (such as they are) and overall hugeness to guarantee my freedoms. You little soft ones, on the other hand, rely on the Second Amendment to your Constitution and your willingness to exercise that right for your freedoms.

As I lookout out over our nation this Fourth of July, our Independence Day, I think of what Thomas Jefferson said: That, perhaps, a revolution every twenty years or so might be necessary.

What he meant was what our founding fathers knew. That bureaucracies, governments, are subject to "institutional creep." They tend to grow larger with time and take on more and broader mandates. In order for this 'Noble Experiment' to survive they knew it would be necessary for the citizens to keep a close watch.

Safari Ltd, Great Dinosaurs, Velociraptor Dinosaur Toys

( These guys didn't vote and look what happened to them! )

Envisioning a wise and educated electorate it would be those citizen voters that would keep the government in line. Not a bloated and regulation happy government keeping the citizens enthralled.

Casper, Dinosaur Toys

I am the ghost of freedoms lost. oooooooooohhhhhhh.....

T-Rexford, Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

So, on this July 4th we are all standing on the edge of a slope, celebrating our freedoms, together. Where we go from here is up to us.

We here at TDTCG thank all of you who have and are defending our nation even as we speak. And a special thanks to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and their families, down through the years. Your sacrifice has not been in vain.

In closing I remember as a little T-Rex getting choked up watching Kate Smith on our 13-inch television singing "God Bless America." Check it out and watch it with us....

T-Rexford, Rexford, Dinosaur Toys
God Bless America (opens new window)

Have a Wonderful Fourth of July


Jun 20, 2011

Rexford has a minor problem with modern technology and contemporary trends. After all, if you can't eat it, what good is it? Tyrannosaurs (opens new window) tend to be quite conservative by nature anyway. Confronted by behavior du jour (Have you noticed a recent tendency here towards a Francification of language? It too will pass.) Rexford is somewhat dismayed....

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Is this 'blogging'? Seems wasteful when they could be building my food supply instead."

To blog or to build a website? Alas, a poor decision can cost you well. A blog is great fun but is it a business too? Check here to find out.

Jun 17, 2011

Rexford can get pretty tired on his extended hikes through the deep woods. Luckily benches are provided for weary travelers....

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"It's really nice that someone provided 'al fresco' dining facilities 'au de foret', so to speak. Very continental."

Once settled in it's picnic time but there is a certain disappointment(?) expressed over the picnic fare.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Who packed this crop? Get me a burger!"

While Rexford tries to resolve his luncheon problems you can find out more about Tyrannosaurs, here (opens new window) and, perhaps, their dietary preferences as well. Just in case Rexford drops by YOUR house.

"What's in your picnic basket?"

Have you considered a website to raise some cash to help fill that picnic basket? What do you love? What's your hobby? Or your business? Take a look here, and find out if a website will work for you.

May 18, 2011

A correction to our March 26 blog.

Tyrannosaurus-Rexford, Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

I've been sweating out this correction for weeks. Luckily I have protection or my hunting abilities would have been compromised.

Back on March 26th we noted that Carnegie (opens new window) was going to 1/30 scale as their default. That is not quite the case as, as it turns out. The Carnegie Collection (opens new window) will continue to vary their scale depending on the actual size of the Dinosaur. For instance, the beautiful new 2011 Carnotaurus & Miragaia (below)...

Carnegie Miragaia, Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnegie Dinosaur Toys

are in 1/30 scale but (I have been secretly and stealthily informed) two undisclosed new figures that are currently under construction will either be in a smaller (1/40?) or larger (1/10?- after all, they are undisclosed) scale. Carnegie will continue to vary scale depending on the Dinosaur being modeled to maximize detail and limit massiveness (even a 1/40 scale Argentinosaur would be three feet long!) and consequent price point.

Hey! There's no reason for you to have to deal with "undisclosed" site-support fly-by-nights. COMPARE here and discover the best buy for your internet dollar.

May 7, 2011

We're back!

Dinosaur Toys

* I can see Russia from my back deck! *

If you are interested in a profitable website of your very own, check out what you can see from your electronic deck, COMPARE and contrast. Make your own self-fulfilling policy!

(*With thanks to Tina Fey*)

Apr 2, 2011

Dinosaur Toys

Hi There! 'member me? I'm your Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide guide to Dinosaur skulls. Today we are taking a look at the Safari Ltd Dilophosaurus (opens new window) skull. As your host I want you to meet one of my favorite Dilophosaurs, the 2008 Safari fella. The Dilophosaurus was about 20 feet long, this one is eight inches, so he's in 1/30 scale, like the new Carnegie figures. The skull is in, perhaps, 1/15 scale. The real Dilophosaur lived over 200-MYA (million years ago). The Dinosaur Toy Dilophosaur is with us today. Lucky us.

(Below, two views of the Dilophosaurus skull.)

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

(Below. The 2008 Safari Ltd Dilophosaurus.)

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur Toys

I am soooo good looking.

The Dilophosaurus skull is but one of eleven great little heads, in varying scales but all about the same size (two inches long), presented by Safari Ltd in their Dinosaur Skulls Toob (opens new window) (all 11- plus an educational insert) and in bags of 48 (no insert but lots of heads).

Two great things about these skulls is that you can pepper them about your dioramas or use them mounted on top of skeletons you make yourself.

Dinosaur Toys

Gramps here was a BIG dude!

Your profitable new website can be a "big dude" on the internet. Find out how it can be Here! Take the Alexa traffic test.

Mar 31, 2011

Safari T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

2011 sees a new Tyrannosaurus Rex in town, brought to us by Safari Ltd (opens new window) as part of their burgeoning Wild Safari Dinos Collection. Seen above hunting the new WSD Edmontosaurus, blogged yesterday. These have been improving continuously and this is the third WSD T-Rex to take the stage, the other two, from 1996 and 2006 remain in production. All three can be seen below.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Safari T-Rex, Dinosaur Toys

(2006, 1996, 2011)The 1996 is a terrific Rex (I have fifteen) but a tad toy-like in conformation and coloring. It was not so much replaced as supplemented in 2006 with a much more realistic figure (I have five) and now, for 2011 well complemented with this new T-Rex which is essentially the same size (about ten inches long) and scale as its predecessors; it is slightly more massive and broader, while its arms are smaller and more Rexian.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Safari T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys


The coloration has gone from greens to shades of brown and the conformation has taken on much stronger tones. The pose is quite active and dynamic.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, safari T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

The newest head. The body conforms.

This may very well be the best T-Rex on the market today. It is a shame it is in the odd 1/52d scale. All of the WSD figures are in odd and differing scales. All things considered if Safari Ltd only produced them in a constant scale like their Carnegie Collection this would be THE premier collection. As it is, it is anyway.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Safari T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

You too can devour your internet competition like a T-Rex! Find out how, HERE!

Mar 30, 2011

Safari Tyrannosaurus, Safari Edmontosaurus, Safari Guanlong, Dinosaur Toys

For 2011 Safari Ltd has come out with some more Dinosaurs that should be in the stores any minute now. First off is the Guanlong (Crown Dragon), a 10-foot long predecessor of the Dilong and relative to the (also new) T-Rex.

Guanlong, Safari Guanlong, Dinosaur Toys

This Guanlong is about 6.5 inches long and ~1/18 scale. Quite simply painted in brown and blue with a red crest the one pictured is actually able to stand bipedally, without the tail as a tripod. In this scale he is large enough to hunt the new Wild Safari Edmontosaurus which is in ~1/64 scale at eight inches in length.

Guanlong, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

The new Safari Ltd Edmontosaurus is very similar both in coloration and conformation to the 2004 Safari/Field Museum "Sue" Collection 1/80 scale Anatotitan. (You say Anatotitan, I say Edmontosaurus, look 'em up.)

Safari Edmontosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Combining the new Wild Safari Edmontosaurus with those smaller Anatotitans makes for a nice scene of a mother Dinosaur and her troublesome "teenaged" brood.

The Edmontosaurus/Anatotitan was huge in real life, about 43 feet long and allegedly used its tail in self defense when whatever speed it had wasn't its salvation. This figure is posed in just such a defensive posture, on all fours with head and neck curved and its tail raised so as to whip around. The coloring is bold and the detailing excellent. This is the retail version and quite a nice addition to any collection.

Safari Edmontosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Tomorrow we visit with the new Safari Ltd WSD Tyrannosaurus Rex....

Safari Edmontosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Go away. You're an unwelcome visitor!

But I just want to take you out for dinner!

Find out how to get lots of wanted visitors to your new, profitable website, HERE!

Mar 26, 2011

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Miragaia, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Ltd has added an all new Carnotaurus and Miragaia to their renowned Carnegie Collection in a big way. Expanding the scale from 1/40 to 1/30, a 33% increase in size!! As seen below with the 1988 Carnegie Stegosaurus the result is a significant increase in figure size!

Carnegie Miragaia, Miragaia, Dinosaur Toys

The Stegosaurus was 50% larger (~30 feet) than the Miragaia (~20) but when compared at 40th v 30th scale that difference is reversed. I have been informed by the honchos at Safari that this increase in scale will be for all future Carnegie figures. In honor of this expansion the look of the tag on the Dinosaurs has also changed....

Dinosaur Toys

The Miragaia is a Stegosauroid Dinosaur combining the best features of the Stegosaur (plates on back & spiky tail), the Polacanthus (spikes on back) and long, Sauropod-like neck for improved browsing. It was only discovered and named in 2009, once again demonstrating Safari Ltd's unnerving habit of being on the cutting edge of discoveries. The figure is approximately ten (10) inches in length and looks terrific.

Carnegie Miragaia, Miragaia, Dinosaur Toys

The Miragaia is of equal quality with the 2008 Diplodocus and 2009 Spinosaurus, which is to say it is very very good.

Then we come to the other new member of the Carnegie Clan, the new 2011 Carnotaurus-

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Now this guy is a full foot-long from snout to tail and stands on his own two feet without modification! As you can see in the photo (which does NOT do him justice) He is beautifully (hand) painted in a base pale-green with heavy orange & black mottling on his back and sides. The interior of the mouth is highly detailed, the teeth reddened with ichor and the snout is a bright scarlet. This is the top of the Carnegie line right now, bar none! (IMHO.) The previous Carnegie Carnotaurus looks pitiful in comparison, below.

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur Toys

The Carnotaurus skull, from the Safari Ltd Dino-Skull Toob (below)....

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur Toys

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur ToysCarnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur Toys

As you can see. The skull is in something closer to, perhaps, 1/20 scale and certainly looks good. Although not as good as when the skull is attached and in use....

Carnegie Carnotaurus, Carnotaurus, Dinosaur Toys

"Uncle Carl! Looks like you've lost some weight."

Those beady little eyes actually gleam when light shines off them!

Mar 19, 2011

Rexford finds unexpected things in the woods....

T-Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

Look! A dry stream bed... uh...pipe....

...and he comes upon a lost lake.

T-Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

A perfect place for me to take my Kayak!

Your Kayak?

T-Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

YEE HAAAH... Watch out rapids, here I come!

Rapids? Oh no Rexford... be careful. I don't think he heard me. Actually I don't think he's listening. Stay tuned for further adventures of what's left of Rexford and his kayak.

You can enjoy your own adventures surfing your very own website to fame and fortune on the rapidly expanding internet. All with less risk than Rexford is taking. Find out how to do so right here, now.

Mar 18, 2011

Rexford finds the woods a peaceful place to wander and return to his roots, so to speak.

Dinosaur Toys

These roots have seen better days.

And of course, a beaver with a chain saw is not to be messed with.

Then checking out some anomalous, unnatural features....

Dinosaur Toys

This seems like some kind of high-tech cave....

We will leave Rexford to his confusing musing and just glory in the oncoming Spring.

Feb 26, 2011

The Earth is as old as the hills, or so they say, and it has undergone many upheavals as well as downs. Out in the West, in the mythical Dakotas lies a land created by time and the tectonic activities of those who live there. This is a (short) story of that befabled land.

Dinosaur Toys

Two young Velociraptors headed into the bedlands on a hunting expedition. It was to be a daunting adventure.

First they came upon an old Dinosaur burial ground. The remains (opens new window) of previous hunters were come upon...and even an old friend was found.

Dinosaur Toys

Alas, poor Vorick, I knew him well.

At the top of a hill an apparition appeared....

Dinosaur Toys

oooooo, booooo, ooooo

They approached more closely. It could be something to eat.

Dinosaur Toys

Are you as tasty as you are cute?

(Not much scares a Velociraptor.)

Dinosaur Toys

Nooooo. I'm as cute as I am scary. Booo-oooo-ooo!

But, for others, the Bedlands provide a certain peace and comfort not to be found elsewhere.

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

Zzzzzzz...arumph... Hey, keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep here! (Danged tourists.)

Whether you have been dreaming of your own website or not it will be a real nightmare for it to end up in the "badlands" of the world-wide-web. Find out how to build a profitable, fun and formidable website of your own, here.

Feb 22, 2011

Carnegie Brachiosaurus, Brachiosaurus Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

The Brachiosaurus was one of the largest of the Dinosaurs. Its head was really quite small when you consider the size of the body with a total weight of over thirty tons. This is a weight-watchers bad dream. It must have done nothing but eat.

Safari Ltd (opens new window) presents us with a wonderful little replica of the Brachiosaurus' skull in a 1.5"x1"x1.125" package. It is done in a brown plastic to recreate the look of an ancient skull or fossil. Complete with large eye holes, and additional holes for the nasal cavities and just plain lightness, given that this was stuck at the end of a neck that was as long as ten meters.

Safari Brachiosaurus Skull, Dinosaur ToysSafari Brachiosaurus Skull, Dinosaur Toys

Anyone who is into the Brachiosaurus or Sauropods in general will find this little head a pleasing addition to their collection. Unfortunately they are not generally available except as part of the set of eleven that can be gotten from Safari Ltd. (opens new window)

The Brachiosaurus is the first of eleven blogs, each highlighting another of these great little skulls from the Safari Collection.

Carnegie Brachiosaurus, Brachiosaurus Dinosaur Toys

Bring our head(s) into your life.

Think of how you could expand your brick & mortar local business if you had a website of your own. Dedicated to what you do and what you have to offer. Click here to find out how we can help.

Feb 21, 2011

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

Bwa ha ha- We hope you'll enjoy our blogging.

Our friends at Safari Ltd (opens new window) have introduced eleven (11) great little pieces of paleontological educationary in the form of little (~1.5x1 inch, ~4x2.5 cm) Dinosaur skulls.

There are five Carnivores...

Safari Skulls, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Skulls, Dinosaur Toys

These are (top row left to right- each link will open to new window) Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor; (bottom row) Carnotaurus, Tyrannosaurus and Oviraptor.

The herbivores (below) are (top row) Dracorex (a Pachycephaloid), Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, (bottom row, l-r) Triceratops, Parasaurolophus and Nigersaurus.

Safari Skulls, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Skulls, Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

Over the next few weeks we'll be bringing you a closer look at each skull and, perhaps, provide interesting commentary to flesh out the blog.


All of these Dinosaurs can be considered to be retired, but they're still earning their keep working for me. Are you retired? Need extra money or just have time on your hands? Check-out SBI for a new full- or part-time career.

Feb 14, 2011

Yesterday we saw Rexford demonstrating his infallible hunting technique to his relatives. Today, we see the results of his efforts.

Dinosaur Toys

Mistah Wexfud pwayed "POUNCE." Are you having fun mistah Wexfud?

Dinosaur Toys


What's going on here!

Dinosaur Toys

(uh, oh) Nothink! mistah wexfud and I just pwaying.

gasp, gasp, pant pant.

Dinosaur Toys

I wuv you mistah Wexfud. Happy Vawentines Day!

Wanna pway 'Pounce' again?

I think I want an aspirin.

Valentine's Day is for lovers, not pouncers. See people who love SBI here.

Feb 13, 2011

Rexford thinks it is important to teach his couch-potato relations how to hunt, Rexford-style.

T-Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

You guys need to get off your duffs. I'm going to teach you some of MY hunting secrets.

T-Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

First of all you want to get your condiments ready.

Seems like pretty good advice so far. What do you think?

T-Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

Then you find a great ambush spot, get very quiet.

And wait for something tender to come along.



Dum deedee... Deedee dum dum. Dum deedee dumdum.

Okay, that's it.

T-Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

I'm bored.


I'm afraid what Rexford lacks in patience he makes up in (a misplaced) self-confidence. We'll see how this all turns out, in time.

More Soon.

You may not want to actually ambush customers but think of how you could expand your business if you had a website of your own. One dedicated to what you do and what you have to offer. Click here to find out how we can help. (Just don't eat anybody when they show up.)

Feb 7, 2011

Dinosaur Toys

"Hey. This looks pretty interesting."

Rexford discovered this site thanks to a "Contact-O-saurus" contact from its owner and creator. It is called Dawn of the Gods (opens new window) and specializes/focuses on Dragons, along with other fantasy creatures that readers of this site should find interesting. We have featured Dragons here, in numerous blogs and as guests on several of our Dinosaur pages as well.

Dinosaur Toys

"Multimedia guys. Let's check it out."

The site is very well laid out, has been there since late 2007, and is beautiful visually, with sound effects to boot. It is a large site and, unfortunately for Rexford, in German. Rexford has found a few translation apps but nothing that meets his expectations. But the beauty of the visuals easily outshines any problems in translation.

Here is a sample of the graphic quality and colorfulness....

Dinosaur Toys

There is some English used on the site, but not enough to navigate by.

Dinosaur Toys

""Dragon-World" looks like it will be interesting."

Dinosaur Toys

But no site is complete without a "Rex-Land"!

Rexford is a tough audience and considers that any site that doesn't feature himself to be ultimately inadequate. I think that you will find "Dawn of the Gods" to your liking. Check it out!

I will also be including a link to Dawn of the Gods (opens new window) on my (Missing) Links page. Check it out, too!

Websites can be beautiful beautiful things. And they can be profitable ones too. If you want a beautiful, profitable website check out these guys.

Dinosaur Toys

Dragons are okay, but there's only one ME!

Feb 4, 2011

"In order to properly hunt you lie in ambush where you will be least expected. Then when your prey approaches, you pounce!"

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"But just laying around...?"

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"What'd I tell Ya?"

Do YOU have a small business? Do you want to start one? Find out HERE how you can start your own, profitable web-business or grow the one you already have.

Jan 29, 2011

Dinosaur Toys

"I'm introducing the Carnegie Giganotosaurus. A nice little fella."

"I'm really bigger than you are you know."

"No you're not."

"Yes I was!"

"You're not NOW!"

We finally finished the Carnegie Giganotosaurus page. A mighty South American Theropod carnivore who ruled South of the Border. It fed on the Titanosaurs that roamed the Southern continent, was about fifty feet long, weighed seven tons.... And if that weren't enough probably hunted in packs as well.

Dinosaur Toys

The Giganotosaurus was larger than the infamous T-Rex ("No he's NOT! NOT! NOT!") and this Carnegie figure from 2007 does that mighty creature justice. It is one of my all-time favorite Dinosaur toys and my favorite Carnegie Collection collectee. (Followed closely by the 2006 Carnegie Diplodocus, the 2008 Spinosaurus and the 2010 Cryolophosaurus, btw.) Produced by Safari Ltd (opens new window) it is the best looking Giganotosaurus on the market. IMHO.

In response I have produced the most photo-intense page yet. This new page has the most pictures (72) of any page to date, with lots of close-ups of this beautiful Dinosaur toy. And it took me long enough to complete it too. Go there now.... (opens new window) Then come back to finish this blog entry, I've made it easy for you.

Dinosaur Toys

"Ain't I good-looking! And I photograph well too."

The Theropods were almost all carnivores and jealously defended their territories against all comers....

Dinosaur Toys

"Not only are you not bigger than ME. You're not even bigger than my kid."

"YEAH! YOU tell 'em, Dad."

"Grumble, grumble. Stupid 21st Century. @!#*&%%$!"

Whatever century you're living in if you want a successful, money making website check this out for the best service and support on the web.

Jan 26, 2011

The Carnegie Giganotosaurus is one of the most exciting Dinosaur Toys to be found.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "The Giganotosaurus was bigger then Tyrannosaurus Rex. Good Luck."

Jan 21, 2011

A Dental Dream Team?

These two new offerings from Safari Ltd (opens new window) for 2011, a six (6) inch Inostrancevia (a late Permian predator) and a nine (9) inch Kaprosuchus (late Cretaceous ancestor of the Crocodile- see 12/29 & 12/30/2010 blog entries) are best considered in their toothsome presentations. These guys are in need of an Orthodontist. Not so much to fix their more than adequate smiles as to have for a snack. (Tasty free-range orthodontists, often well fed.)

Here's a quick, pre-page look at these two.

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

The Inostrancevia was a Synapsid, related to the Dimetrodon, and was another of those mammal-like reptiles that populated the Permian Period. These were about thirteen feet long and the size of a large, modern day, bear. And take a look at those teeth! This figure will certainly have a compelling page. (Yeah, right. Whenever we finish that Giganotosaurus page. Oy!)

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

(Kaprosuchus on left & Inostrancevia on right. A food's last view.)

Dinosaur ToysDinosaur Toys

The Kaprosuchus (along with Deinosuchus and Suchimimus, et al) was a twenty (20) foot long ancestor/predecessor of today's Crocodiles from the late Cretaceous period. This bad-boy was a terrestrial, rather than an aquatic, predator and those long legs are one giveaway. Although he might have been a bit of a wader as well. You can see the excellent detail of the figure in the scales and rather nasty looking mouth. Very cool looking character.

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur Toys

Given their relative sizes these two figures are in-scale to each other. Does this mean that the Wild Safari Dinosaurs will now be produced in the same scale like Safari's Carnegie Collection? Let's hope so.

The Safari Crocodiles seen below, hanging out with their great** grandfather, are about 17-feet in comparative length.

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur Toys

"Uh-oh. Gramps is back in town."

"Yeah. And the ole coot's blocking my sun!"

"And I'll take a big bite out of your sun too, Sonny."

Just as you can compare modern day Crocodiles to their extinct ancestors you can compare a modern-day web service to its earlier, Dinosaur-like competitors. Do that here. Just for the sunshine it can light up your website with.

Jan 17, 2011

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

One of my favorite Dragons of recent vintage was last year's Mountain Dragon by Safari Ltd. Well, Safari has added a new Dragon to their mythical menagerie, the opalescent Midnight Moon Dragon.

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

The brick-red Mt Dragon is seen above with this newest member of the Dragon Clan, Safari's Midnight Moon Dragon for 2011 (See pre-production blog entry from December 15, 2010). Using basically the same sculpt (the MM Dragon's head seems raised a little bit higher) but in an iridescent purple with golden belly scales and red eyes...

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

...which give this Dragon a definitively sinister aspect. One that does not come through in the earlier incarnation. For some reason my camera (a Sony DSC-W55) does not pick up certain subtleties of color very well and the purple does not come across as well in most of the pictures as it does in the ones above.

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

"Hey Mounty, whaddya wanna do tonight?"

"I dunno Moony, whadda you wanna do?"

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

"Let's go down to the mall food court and eat everybody."

"Great idea! BAR-B-Q!"

I guess that regardless of how they may look Dragons are Dragons. This particular Dragon happens to be visually stunning in appearance.

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

(Above is the Booklet Safari provides with this figure. It also has Italian, French, German and Spanish translations. Learn languages while reading about your Dragon.)

(Below, three views of this Dragon.)

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

(Included in background are plants from Safari Ltd's new Prehistoric Landscape collection.)

Safari Midnight Moon Dragon Dinosaur Toys

"I'll be signing autographs at the mall food court. Hurry on down."

Over the next week or so we will be looking at some of the other new offerings from Safari Ltd (opens new window) along with some of Rexford's doings as well- so don't be wandering off now, ya hear.

A blog is great fun but is it a business too? I do both. You can too. Check here to find out how.

Jan 14, 2011

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

When Safari Ltd announced that one of their new figures would be The Krystal Blue Dragon I wasn't terribly impressed. (See December 13, 2010 blog entry.) It looked pretty nice, but simply a re-cast of their Chinese Dragon.

BOY! Was I wrong,

For Dragon fans the Krystal Blue Dragon sets a new standard. To begin with it is a Chinese Dragon. That's as far as it goes. The similarities to the other Chinese Dragons are purposeful:

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

On the other foot, so are the differences:

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur ToysSafari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

The feet are different from the Chinese and are much more similar (see right hand photo above) to that of the great Theropod Dinosaurs, such as Giganotosaurus on right (above) for comparison.

Looking at this Dragon head-on we see a very interesting and fearsome face.

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur ToysSafari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

And while the earlier Chinese Dragons are pretty-much cast with their bodies in a linear fashion the KB Dragon is somewhat more active, holding its head, for example, at a cock-sure angle.

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur ToysSafari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

The head itself is very well sculpted with lots of detail. But what makes this figure particularly unique and interesting is...

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur ToysSafari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

...(see above right) that the figure will actually glow when seen with a bright light shining behind/through it.

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

The body itself is in a light-blue translucent plastic with dark-blue neural-spines and golden scales and claws. Dragon Fans will be pleased.

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur ToysSafari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Krystal Blue Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

More of the latest figures are forthcoming, so you keep coming forth. Okay?

Dragons are magical creatures. There's no "magic" to creating a profitable web-business. Let me show you how it's done, start by clicking here.

Jan 8, 2011

There are many famous feuds throughout history, Hector and Achilles, the Hatfields and McCoys, the Capulets and Montagues, Eliot Ness and Al Capone. All names that have come down to us as bitter enemies. But none as vicious and longlasting as that between King Kong and T-Rex.

But how did this terrible and continuing feud ever begin? Yes, there is some talk that it began over a girl. (opens new window) But reality, as usual, trumps fiction. So let us go back a ways in time and see how this feud really got started,

It seems that King Kong and k were out for a walk when they came upon T-Rex, who was minding his own business.

Dinosaur Toys

"Howdy 'T', and a good morning to ya. Aren't you going to bow down to me?"

"Whaddya? Nuts? Calling you 'king' isn't good enough for you?"

Dinosaur Toys

"He needs to be taught a lesson, boss."

"And you mind your own business, pipsqueak!"

Dinosaur Toys

"I mean, where do you guys come off with this #@!* anyway?"

"Well. I am KING Kong, you know."

"(Pssst, I'm in position boss.)"

Dinosaur Toys

"One little push, and over you go. Let this be a lesson to you."

"Wha?? Ooooohhhh!"



Dinosaur Toys

"Haa - haa!"

"Oooohhh, my back. I'm calling my lawyer! I'm gonna sue!"

"Come on k, a high-five and we're outta here!"

And that, folks, is how the fabled Kong v Rex feud began. remember, you heard (and saw) it here, first.

Have you been wanting a profitable website of your own? One that other sites will bow down to? A site that will famously last through the ages? You can build a website that others will respect, or else. Right here if you dare to make your dreams come true.

Jan 7, 2011

We are introducing a new character to our blogs today. King Kong. Discovered in the Lost Toy Box and brought back to (what passes for) civilization (around here). I'm sure you've heard of him. He was in all the papers, conquered the previously unclimbed Empire State Building in New York City (it was in all the papers) and has had several movie biographies made. He has generously decided to lend his presence to our site in ways that are, as yet, unforeseen.

Dinosaur Toys

Kong is seen here with his little buddy and manager, "L'il Prince K" or just plain "k" for short.

Dinosaur Toys

You can see, above, that Kong measures about five inches tall in his normal quad-pose. Kong is a real heavyweight at just over a pound and, I think, a part of the Wild Safari series that included the absolutely stunning 'leaping Siberian Tiger' (in orange and white, see April 26 date). He was originally produced by Safari Ltd (opens new window) in 1990 and therefore lacks the Eurohealthcode "CE" imprinted on his belly. He is also no longer in production and is a great character, happy to get out of his toy crate and assert his kingly authority, whatever it may be. k, I believe, is by Schleich but I cannot find any manufacturer information anywhere on him.


Dinosaur Toys

"The main problem in riding a Tiger occurs when getting off."


Comparing Kong to a recent Carnegie Collection Giganotosaurus figure....

Dinosaur Toys

"You don't look so tough "King".

"Bow down, peasant."

Kong and k posed for a final portrait before starting out on whatever adventures may befall them.

Dinosaur Toys

If you are going to deal with royalty you want to deal with the King. If you are dealing with Webhosting companies you want to deal with the best. Find the best here.

Jan 3, 2011

Our favorite Tyrannosaurus Rex, Rexford, went hunting at the local Wal-Mart today. He pounced on an unaware little ducky on the playground.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Surprise! No fair peeking, Duck!"

Rexford doesn't like being watched when he's eating."

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"What are YOU staring at, desert-boy teeter-turtle?"

But not all his hunts prove as successful.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Yeah, call me a softy but I just can't eat 'em when they're saying their prayers."

But can he eat them after they finish? Keep praying, kids!

Stay tuned when that and other questions, such as when we'll finish the Carnegie Collection 2007 Giganotosaurus page get answered. Or not.

If you want your website to eat the other sites' lunch, take the Alexa traffic test and find out how.

Dec 31, 2010

Rexford took the kids out to look at the Community Calendar and deliver some bad news.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"This is the end of the last page of The Calendar kids. It's the End of Time."

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Oh xy*@?#-&^^*zz!"

A blog is great fun but is it a business too? Blogs fade away but a profitable website goes on and on. Check here to find out what's best for you.

Dec 30, 2010

Safari Kaprosuchus Dinosaur Toys

The Kaprosuchus, (opens new window) an early Crocodile ancestor from the Upper Cretaceous (95 mya) is known from a single skull (opens new window) discovered about an hour and a half ago (2009). And of course this Wild Safari Dinosaurs replica. That's it. How do they do this?

Dinosaur Toys

Back in 2005 Safari Ltd came up with the Suchiomimus, (right) one of the last of the more toy-like of their Wild Safari Dinosaurs collection. It was largely a piscavore (fish eater, like modern day Crocs) that didn't disdain dining on land-based tasty treats. Much like the Spinosaurus with whom it shares a page on our site.

Ten years earlier Safari Ltd, in their guise as the Carnegie Collection, had presented us with their very dynamic Late Cretaceous (80-73 mya) Deinosuchus (Terrible Crocodile) figure. Fifteen years down the road and still the best in breed.

Carnegie Deinosuchus Dinosaur Toys

More recently (2008), Safari came up with the Postosuchus. (below) This being one of finest detailed and accurately portrayed replicas of the Late Triassic relatives of the Dinosaurs ever produced. It is a spectacularly cast figure and not to be missed. Truly. Part of the fabulous new models that Safari has been presenting in their W-S Dinosaur series since ~2006.

Safari Postosuchus Dinosaur Toys

Safari Postosuchus Dinosaur Toys

Modern Crocodiles, including the huge Australian Salt Water Croc, only begin to approach the giants of the past. Safari, though, makes them too. And quite nicely....

Safari Crocodile Dinosaur Toys

"It's important to learn about your family tree."

Safari Ltd (opens new window) has this to say about this figure: "we are proud to introduce the Kaprosuchus, an ancient ancestor of the modern crocodile that lived over 99 million years ago. This figure measures 8.25” L x 2” H." There'll be a lot more than that to look forward to. Due in early 2011. Keep your eyes open.

Safari Kaprosuchus Dinosaur Toys

Think of how you could expand & evolve your business if you had a website of your own. Dedicated to what you do and what you have to offer. Click here to find out how we can help.

Dec 29, 2010

Safari Inostranscevia Dinosaur Toys

(Above photo Safari Ltd Promotional Photo)

Once again Safari Ltd has come up with a surprise guest. Ever on the lookout to provide interesting and unexpected new figures, the Inostranscevia comes pretty near to taking the cake. It was a mid-Permian era apex predator, about the size of a large bear. It also continues the tradition begun by MARX back in 1955 of including the occasional unexpected not-quite-a-Dinosaur in their prehistoric package.

Marx Cynognathus Dinosaur Toys

The MARX Cynognathus, with a modern day friend, and below, the Marx Moschops.

Marx Moschops Dinosaur Toys

It wasn't that many years ago, 2008 in fact, that Safari Ltd (opens new window) gave us their rather magnificent Scutosaurus. (opens new window) As can be seen in the pictures below, a gorgeously colored and detailed movable feast for the Inostranscevia.

Safari Scutosaurus Dinosaur ToysSafari Scutosaurus Dinosaur Toys

Safari Ltd's (opens new window) own promotional copy on this goes: "the Inostrancevia, an authentic reproduction of a mammal-like carnivorous reptile that lived 251 million years ago. This ancient reptile measure 6” L x 2” H." Well, not a whole lot there about this fascinating creature. But then we don't really know a whole lot about it anyway. They did bear huge, Smilodon-like fangs, that they could bare to bring down their prey. Read more about the Inostranscevia: here. (opens new window) This will be a great addition to the Permian compartment of our prehistoric toy-box.

Safari Inostranscevia Dinosaur Toys

"We can't hardly wait for the new addition to our world."

("Some of us can gladly wait!")

This figure will be out in early 2011 and, personally, I can't hardly wait!

Dinosaur Toys

The Inostranscevia was an Apex predator in its time. Find out how you can have an Apex-Website in our time. Take the Alexa traffic test.

Dec 25, 2010

Dinosaur Toys

!!Merry Christmas Everybody!!

from all of us here at the Dinosaur Toys Collectors Guide.

And for those of us with simple needs and desires....

Dinosaur Toys

"All I wanted for Christmas was a Salmon. And I got it!"

May All Your Christmas Hopes and Dreams Come True.

Dec 24, 2010

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

When Rexford saw this picture of a Dragon concluding a successful hunt (on the Left), on this blog (opens new window) he was taken with the idea of "Christmas Camouflage" to improve his hunting technique.

So he decided to try out several different Christmas 'cammies.'

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"A tad effeminate I think."

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"Everybody Loves Santa."

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"With a neat hood that will disguise my face."

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"Oooops! Let's try something more natural looking."

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"This seems to work. And it can light my way tonight...."

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"Hey! Who turned out the lights?"

So Rexford ended up going back to his tried and true.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"Pounce and Bite. Works every time!"

Even the Dragons celebrate.

Safari Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

"Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through the house...."

Rexford and the little Rexes want to wish everybody a wonderful Christmas.

Rexford, Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Dinosaur Toys

"Now kids. The true meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with our giving presents to each other. It is a celebration of our all receiving the Perfect Present."

Dec 23, 2010

Dinosaur Toys

"...once you've made it past Thanksgiving you know you've made it."

"That must be comforting."

"Oh yes. Now I can relax for the rest of the year."

Dinosaur Toys

"Hey Tom! You heard that the Christmas-Goose has skipped town?"

"OH NO!"

Retired? Or thought you were? Need some additional security in your retirement? Check-out SBI for a new full- or part-time career.

Dec 17, 2010

(Safari Ltd Promotional Picture)

Wild Safari Guanlong Dinosaur Toys

The 2011 Wild Safari GUANLONG

Guanlong is Chinese for "crown dragon", the name based upon the large crest on its head. This small Tyrannosaurid ~9.8 feet (3 meters) from the late Jurassic Period (160 mya) was discovered in China, in 2006. It is (or is not) related to the Dilong (Emperor Dragon), another early Tyrannosaur from the middle Cretaceous (92 mya) discovered in China in 2004. The Dilong (picture below) was immortalized in the Carnegie Collection in 2005.

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

Both "Longs" are believed to have been feathered and both also share the Chinese name of "Dragon."

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

('Emperor Dragons' and traditional Chinese Dragon out on a hunt.)

Below we see a Tyrannosaur/Dragon family get together. Rexford- the ultimate Tyrannosaurus; the Dilong- a small feathered precursor; a Dragon- the fantastic, and a Bald Eagle- today's feathered Apex Predator.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

"Which one of you guys brought the potato salad?"

The Dilong can be found hunting in the Bedlands of today's homes...

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

... occasionally coming upon a Cretaceous goat...

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

"Perhaps we can talk this over?"

...whose only hope of survival was to play dead...

(Below we see Carnegie Velociraptors horning in on the Dilong's prospective meal.)

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

...or, if he got lucky, could slip off when different groups of predators got into an argument over the Goat Plate Special.

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

"I'll just step aside while you all work it out..."

Demonstrating why we still have goats while Dilongs and Velociraptors are extinct.

Of course the Dilong and Guanlong wouldn't be happy with contemporary meals anyway.

Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

"This stuff is YUCKY!"

Quoting Safari Ltd's item description: "Our latest introduction is the Guanlong that lived 160 million years ago. Not only did it have a distinctive crest on its head, it also had a coat of primitive feathers although it could not fly. Our finely sculpted figure is 5” L x 2.5” H. "

Wild Safari Guanlong Dinosaur Toys

(Picture from Safari Ltd 2011 Sneak Preview Catalogue)

The Tyrannosaurus Who Mistook His Dilong for a Hat

Tyrannosaurus Rexford Carnegie Dilong Dinosaur Toys

"Don't psychoanalyze me!"

Dec 15, 2010

Dinosaur Toys

Safari Ltd 2011 Midnight Moon Dragon (Promotional Picture)

My favorite current Dragon is the 2008 Safari Ltd Mountain Dragon that was last seen here in the Dragon blogs (opens new window) earlier this year. It appears that this new Midnight Moon Dragon sculpture is based on the earlier Mountain Dragon. So let's take a closer look at that one.

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur Toys

This really terrific figure has it all, as far as Dragons are concerned.

1) Wings. Check

2) Golden horns and claws. Check.

3) Protective scales. Check.

4) Spiked tail. Check.

5) Impressive head. Check

6) Four green eyes??!! Check.

7) Dynamic Pose. Check.

8) Intimidating color. Check.

9) Rexford's approval?

Dinosaur Toys

"This Dragon is really the perfect color for anybody."

10) Check!!

The highly detailed head really makes this Dragon look really tough.

Dinosaur Toys

And its (four) green eyes do appear well focused, getting the best possible view of whatever it sees. What we have here is sort of an archetypal green-eyed, red-head.

Dinosaur Toys

Seen above with the exquisite Safari Ltd 2007 Stegosaurus, they share a spiked tail (below), as well as that great red coloration.

Dinosaur Toys

Dinosaur Toys

"So where do you go to get your spikes done?"

"Oh? I have naturally Golden spikes."

Here is the Safari Ltd's (opens new window) own publicity copy for this Dragon: "our 2011 iridescent purple dragon with golden eyes. Venturing forth from its lair only at night, even the shadow of this creature is feared by all. This dragon measures 8.5” L x 5.75” H." In my opinion any Dragon lover will desire it more than be fearful of it. The belly & throat scales, along with the horns look golden to me, while the eyes look red. This one looks like a keeper and I look forward to its release, if it doesn't escape first.

Dinosaur Toys

First COMPARE the Mountain and Midnight Moon Dragons; then compare web providers.

Dec 13, 2010

Dinosaur Toys

(Krystal Blue Dragon for 2011 by Safari Ltd- promotional picture)

Fire, Ice or economic collapse, who's to say?

The new Krystal Blue Dragon from Safari is based on the sculpt of the Chinese Dragons, which can be seen in the earlier Dragon blogs (opens new window) on this site.

Dinosaur Toys

The Chinese Dragon represents royalty and wisdom, not necessarily in that order and are rather simple in appearance. Almost snake-like, with legs. These are the Dragons seen winding in the streets with firecrackers (NOT Fire Dragons) popping off about their feet.

Dinosaur Toys

The Chinese Dragons by Safari Ltd come in Purple (above), Blue (below)...

Dinosaur Toys

...and Red (new for 2010), which is above my paygrade. (I don't have one.)

Dinosaur Toys

They are pretty nice though.

This NEW Krystal Blue Dragon looks like it has, at the least, translucent legs which give it a certain similarity to the 2007 Sea Dragon...

Dinosaur Toys

... which I think is the most beautiful member of Safari's Dragon series. This came out contemporaneously with the new Safari Ltd truly museum quality Dinosaur toys.

Dinosaur Toys

Here is some of Safari's own promotional material: "this ancient Chinese symbol of royal power, longevity and good luck is the latest 2011 addition to Safari Ltd.’s (opens new window) very popular dragon collection. Its unique transparent blue body adds to its illusion of awe and mystery." So what can I add to that?

Dinosaur Toys

((+: It's made in China :+))

(An illusive pattern emerges.)

If China is going to take over the world then the least YOU can do is become the Webmaster of your own domain. Find out how to do that here.

Dec 11, 2010

Safari Ice Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

(Promotional Picture from Safari Ltd- 2011 Ice Dragon)

This past year (2010) saw the introduction into the Carnegie Collection of its first cold weather warrior, Antarctica's own Cryolophosaurus. (below)

Carnegie Cryolophosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

For this coming year Safari Ltd is introducing the Ice Dragon, this obviously to balance the global-warming effects of the previously introduced Fire Dragon. Determined not to allow the world to burn up in a holocaust of heat the Ice Dragon guarantees (for the Northern Hemisphere) the next several months will be a mini-Ice Age. Get out your wooly sweaters folks.

(Polar Bear Mom from Safari Ltd)

Polar Bear, Dinosaur Toys

"Lets go eat somebody kids. This is our kind of weather."

Dragons are kind of mythical Dinosaurs and we ran a series of Dragon blogs earlier this year. I think, that given their fantastic nature, Dragons are uniquely qualified to provide us with climate change predictions. Others have their own ideas, of course.

Wild Safari, Siberian Tiger, Dinosaur Toys

"I predict you'll be lunch!"

Some predictions, of course, are more personal than others.

This new Ice Dragon appears to be an all new sculpt for 2011 (just like its opposite, the Fire Dragon) and will be a very welcome addition to anybody's Dragon collection. That 4.75"L x 4.75"H indicates the shelf space this Dragon will command and belies its true size. My guess is ~one foot from nostrils to tail spike.

Safari Ice Dragon, Dinosaur Toys

(Picture lifted from Safari Ltd's 2011 preview catalogue.)Of course there are those who welcome a global warming paradigm.

Carnegie Cryolophosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

"I can see Springtime from my kitchen window."

Wild safari Smilodon, Dinosaur Toys

"Grrrr. Don't bet on it, punks."

If you don't want your new website left out in the cold take the Alexa traffic test and see which website provider can offer a Springtime for your business.

Dec 10, 2010

Safari Ltd Dragon Dinosaur Toys

If left up to the new Safari Ltd (opens new window) Fire Dragon for 2011 it will be fire. All we have are promotional pictures at the moment but they show an extremely determined looking, three-headed beast, with the right-hand head spouting a gout of flame. Looking at the build of this guy and you wouldn't think it needs fire at all to destroy things.

Last year (that is, this year) we showed the current Safari Ltd Dragons line-up. Included among them is this four-headed fellow:

Safari Ltd Dragon Dinosaur Toys

I have never been particularly happy with multi-headed Dragons. I mean, somebody's gotta be in charge. Right? How does a four headed creature make decisions?

Safari Ltd Dragon Dinosaur Toys

It seems to me that it must be a lot like the government. The heads form a committee, if they can, then "caucus" (in private? secretly?) and come up with recommendations for action...

Safari Ltd Dragon Dinosaur Toys

... which may (or more likely may not) get acted on.

Even if the recommendations do make it to the floor for a vote, with four heads a tie can readily occur and deadlock ensues. Four heads seem to me a lot worse than one.

Now three heads at least creates the opportunity for more rapid decisions. One head determines targets, one head cooks them to taste and the third head determines when the target is thoroughly cooked to government recommendations. Of course if all three heads want to be in command, and can spew fire, arguments can get over-heated rather quickly and barbecued Fire Dragon would result.

A cool new figure from our friends at Safari Ltd.

Safari Ltd Dragon Dinosaur Toys

You may have trouble getting all your heads to agree on whether to Blog or Build a Site for your business. You'll need information y'all can agree on. Get it here!

And the Giganotosaurus (opens new window) page plods on.

Dec 8, 2010

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

(Above- Promotional photo of new 2011 Safari Ltd T-Rex.)

1996 saw Safari Ltd get into the T-Rex business for themselves. They had been producing Rexes for the Carnegie Collection since 1988 and this ~nine-inch long bad boy...

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

...had a number of factors going for it. For one thing it was well balanced enough that with just a little judicious use of hot water it could stand on its own two feet, obviating the triad stance of every other T-Rex of its time. Including its own. It also looks great!

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

2004 saw the short-lived "Sue" series (above) for the Field Museum, which consisted of two Rexes, one mouth open, the other closed. These were a much smaller scale at ~5.5 inches but came with their own Anatotitan and Torosaurus. They were made to stand on two feet and are terrific little Tyrant-Kings if you can find them.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

Then, in 2006, Safari Ltd came out with what is their newest T-Rex...

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

This Rex is made to stand on his own two feet, has terrific detail and is very "naturally" colored. He looks pretty much like you'd think a fifty-foot carnivorous reptile would look. A quantum leap forward in T-Replicas, if a tad static in posture. He also has largish feet, giving a youthful appearance.

So what's next?

In 2007 Safari came out with this fabulous ~1/10 scale Velociraptor, ...

Safari Velociraptor, Dinosaur Toys shades of brown, highly and beautifully detailed and in a dynamic, action, running pose. This figure is the archetype of the new Safari Dinosaur figures. The new 2011 Safari Ltd T-Rex (promo-below) looks like it will be a mean package of teeth.

Safari Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Toys

Quoting the Safari promotional literature: "For 2011, Safari Ltd. (opens new window) breaks through with this charging and fearsome looking T-Rex model. Our new T-Rex measures 8.75” L x 3.25” H."

This looks to me like what will be the best T-Rex yet, from anybody. These will become available early 2011 and I expect there will be lines of buyers waiting in the cold for the stores to open across the nation and the world. Hadrosaurs! BEWARE!

Thinking of your own new website for 2011? There's no "magic" to creating a profitable web-business, let me show you how it's done by clicking here.

Dec 4, 2010

What is the well dressed young hunter wearing this season?

Dinosaur Toys

Dino-Camys in Fall Colors, of course. But how effective you ask, are these when it comes to fooling the greatest hunter of them all, Rexford!!??

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Despite rendering himself effectively invisible in his Dino-Camo Outfit. I will find him easily by using my superlative sense of smell."

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Pee-eww, somebody change this kid! My sense of smell is overwhelmed!"

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Mistah Wexfud! Don' you mek me the butt uff yaw stoopid jokess!"

Wow! Dino-Tot's first words!

When it comes to your website don't let your last-words be, "I shoulda COMPARED, before I bought!" Do your website comparison shopping first, here, now.

Dec 2, 2010

Or, at least, you may look a bit like it.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"Coloration is a great form of camouflage. I'm just not sure what kind of animals this herd is."

Know what kind of animal you're dealing with. COMPARE Web Business services here!

Dec 2, 2010

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"This is the perfect lure when trolling for gardeners."

Don't you get hooked by the first web service provider to lure you in. COMPARE here, then decide!

Nov 30, 2010

Safari Ltd Anatotitan Dinosaur Toys

Way back, in 2004, Safari Ltd (opens new window) created three terrific little Dinosaurs for the Field Museum in Chicago. Two "Sues" plus a Torosaurus (Ceratopsian) and an Anatotitan (Herd above- a Hadrosaur, what used to be called "Trachodon"). These three were in comparable scale with each other and had excellent detail and beautiful coloring. Really a superb set and I bought a whole bunch. See the pages. Unfortunately they are now out of production.

Now, for 2011, Safari is coming out with an Edmontosaurus.

(Below- Safari catalogue picture.)

Safari Ltd, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

The Edmontosaurus and Anatotitan may very well be the same creature. If not, they are very, very similar. The Safari-Sue Anatotitan is about six inches in length and stands ~two inches at its highest point (mid-back).

Safari Ltd, Anatotitan, Dinosaur Toys

Safari Ltd, Anatotitan, Dinosaur Toys

As can be seen above that 2004 Anatotitan was pretty darn nice. The new Edmontosaurus is advertised as being 5.5 inches long but standing 3.25 inches in height. One would suspect that this new figure will be in a relatively upright and quite dynamic pose. Time will tell. The time will be early 2011.

Safari Ltd (opens new window) describes their new figure as follows: "Edmontosaurus- Hunted by the T-Rex 70 million years ago, the Edmontosaurus lived in herds much like modern-day cattle. Safari Ltd.’s stunning 2011 reproduction of this huge herbivore measures 5.5” L x 3.25” H." (Below- Safari promotional photo.)

Safari Ltd, Edmontosaurus, Dinosaur Toys

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing this figure. Apparently it is meant to be in scale with the new 2011 T-Rex, which will be equivalent in size to the 2006 Safari T-Rex.

Tyrannosaurus Rexford, Rexford Dinosaur Toys

"And I, for two, look forward to more diversity on the Hadrosaurus side of the menu."

COMPARE! As long as we will be comparing the 2011 Edmontosaurus to the 2004 Anatotitan we should also compare website services. Do that HERE!

View the original article here